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What After Pandemic Looks Like: Women in Hybrid Working Modality!

Written by Debra Hays | Nov 1, 2022 9:15:00 PM

Pandemic has changed everything in our life. From work routines to household chores, the pandemic has left a great impact on our life. Not to be biased towards gender, but females have been affected a lot. Working from home has been in many ways beneficial for women as they were able to manage both house and work effectively.

Now, the pandemic has been over and the corporates have started working full fledge. Most corporates are now opting for a Hybrid Model of working.

What is Hybrid Model?

In simple words, a hybrid model offers more flexibility to work. It offers employees to work according to their willingness whether remote working or in-house working. Some companies have also opted hybrid model where employees have to come to the office on alternate days and do work from home the next day.

How Hybrid Model is beneficial for women?

This model is very beneficial for women as it allows them flexibility. They can manage their time effectively and give their best towards household chores as well as in the office. Before this, there was a time when women had to give up their work due to children or long working hours. Stress was always on the top. But with flexibility in working hours, it will be easy for women to handle all the tasks.

Fulfilling all the responsibilities diligently, women have always been a victim of society, especially working women. But with such changes in society, we hope that people will support more and let them work freely.

Ending Note

To all those women who have not yet given up on their dreams and still managing household chores as well as office work, you are the superwoman for the entire nation. Even the word superwoman does not justify your hard work.