Last year, I saw down with our CEO to ask her a few questions. Since then, the video has lived exclusively on our social media channels.
Each question answered is a key part of what makes ConcertIDC what it is, how our leaders lead, and our hope for the future of tech. Tune in to the video and the transcript below.
Q: What sets ConcertIDC apart?
A: I think there are really a lot of good software development firms, particularly here in Birmingham. People want to sleep on Birmingham, but we're a pretty good tech town. And I think we are set apart by our commitment, by our pure focus on helping a customer build their business, not just software.
Q: How would you describe ConcertIDC's culture?
A: So, because we have employees in the United States and other countries, sometimes culture can be a hard thing, but both the founders of Concert Care and IDC and now ConcertIDC as a joined company have really focused on individual growth and individual talents, and how do you bring those into team environments in order to build the most productive and best-utilized team, for our clients and the company. So, certainly, our biggest cultural focus is bringing everyone to the table, which allows us to be absolutely the best we can be for our clients.
Q: How do you ensure a deep understanding with clients before working with them?
A: You know, it's much like any relationship; it takes time, energy, and intention to build that kind of relationship and have that deep understanding. We staff all of our projects with US-based and India-based resources. It's really the job of that US-based resource to really dig in and become invaluable, almost as a product owner for the client, so that we are really acting on the client's vision and bringing their vision to life.
Q: How do you decide between taking a project or passing on it?
A: I think one of the important things about being in business and being in a high-growth field and a high-growth company is you have to know what you're good at and what you're not and be willing to pass on those things that maybe you're not good at. I think it's important to have strategic partnerships that sort of fill in your weaknesses, maybe with some firms that you normally would compete with. Also, strategically, you have to really focus on what your mission is and not get distracted by the noise that can come in and the opportunities that come in that don't really fit well.
Q: What advice do you have for companies looking to invest in custom software solutions for the first time?
A: You know, it's a big investment and it's a big decision. You have to know your company to know whether you build or you buy, or is it the right time to launch something new to the market? What kind of partner do you use for that? All of those, but I would say, you know, hold on, there's always going to be challenges when building software. There are always going to be gates and roadblocks that can get in the way, but it's really about having the fortitude to stick through those times and finding the right solutions to get the product that you need. I also think it's really important to get something to market. We advise our customers not to try to build everything for your MVP; get into the market and see what customers say, not just what you are in your business.
Q: What skill would you say is a must-have to work in the software development industry?
A: You have to, particularly if you fall on the technology branch of those people who are the technologist hands on a keyboard writing the code, you really have to be able to understand what your customer or employer's business needs are. If you build the sexiest, coolest, best software in the world, but that's not something that that market or that company can consume, you build something that has lesser value than something that maybe was more simple. It's really, really important to understand what the strategic goals and business goals of the company are so that you match the technology vision to the business vision.
Q: How do you stay inspired in the ever-evolving technology landscape?
A: I think the field itself inspires me. I've been in technology in some way or another for this entire century, and frankly, you know, you have to be a lifelong learner to stay in this world of technology, particularly in custom app development. It's so invigorating to see the new things that are coming in the way people use new technology and how fundamentally technology changes our lives. It's hard not to be inspired.
Q: How can potential clients or partners get in touch with us?
A: Well, the best way to learn about our company is probably concertidc.com. You can see our services, our people, our philosophy, and really who we are as a company, for sure, but otherwise, email info@concertidc.com or email me directly at debra.hays@concertidc.com.
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Sarah Grace Hays
Marketing Director